Koala in a Box
To use your will or might against anyone other than yourself is bullying....
What is Koala in a Box?
Koala in a Box is a multifaceted humanitarian effort rooted in literacy. It esteems itself as the world's only merit based anti-bully program utilizing American Sign Language, CPR and Kenpo self defense as methods of abating bullying. As an organization, we stand on three (3) pillars: Early Childhood Education, Literacy, and Anti-Bullying. Understanding the premise that reading is healthy, our approach to the youth is that "reading feeds the mind". Without compromising the integrity of the institution of education, this nonprofit organization becomes mobilized by its celebrity mascot that is Eucalyptus aka Lil Koala. Serving as both the face of anti-bullying and the mascot for literacy, this powder blue koala redefines the word bullying as: To use your will or might against anyone other than yourself is bullying. To use your will or might against yourself is discipline. It is this sense of accountability that makes our program ideal for social-emotional-learning in today's classrooms.
To aid and assist Eucalyptus in his task, Lil Koala has partnered with the necessary muscle man, Lester Speight himself and all of the energy the Terry Tate character brings to tackle the issue of school hallway bullying. It is safe to say...THE BULLYING STOPS HERE!!! Although Koala in a Box as an entertaining educational program (was initially) designed primarily for preschoolers (we have learned) caters to children from the ages of 6 months to 17 years of age. With this newfound data, we've reverse engineered the entire construct of Koala in a Box and subsequently have developed the world's most comprehensive anti-bully program that is uniquely its own, Koala in a Box Anti-Bully Club Program (ABC Program). Having developed such a compelling anti-bullying program infused with the lifesaving skill of American CPR, we trust that schools will far much better in performance and behavior. This keen in-house effort has given our program that "it factor" and has taken our work beyond the class of preschoolers, on into the ranks of high schoolers and young adults. Being preserved in the fountain of youth, Eucalyptus transcends generational boundaries and thus is as much a joy to parents as he is to children. Leveraging his celebrity as a larger than life powder blue koala, he represents the unspoken plight of childhood. Eucalyptus aka Lil Koala having proven to be far more adorable than we had initially anticipated, we have to admit, all of the children love him.