Six Point Merit Program
The World's Most Comprehensive Anti-Bully Program
Koala in a Box esteems itself as the world's only merit based anti-bully program utilizing both American CPR and Kenpo Self Defense as life preserving methods of conflict resolution and abating bullying. Where CPR awakens compassion, Kenpo instills confidence; these two methods are part of our Six Point Merit System, along with Building, Sewing, Food Prep and Making Friends. These six life skills were chosen for the value each adds to a student’s life. Having a very modular program as an organization, the foundation being education, Koala in a Box designs its curriculum with age appropriate content for preschool age children, elementary, middle school and high school students. Each age group is delivered astute material and practical lessons from our proprietary brand of Early Childhood Education, Literacy, and Anti-Bullying syllabus. Having received a complete upgrade, this program was engineered to address the gaps in the social and emotional learning of schools post pandemic.
Our list of services fits perfectly within and around the hours of school life. Designed in 30 minute and 60 minute intervals; this program is perfect for lunch breaks, pep rally, special assembly and or after school.
Rates include gas stipend, craft services and for volunteers.
Still Shots from CPR Episode
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Impliment our Anti-Bully Club Program at your school.
Imagine as a principal or teacher you have a band of students amongst your body of students, that actually have a heart and care for the community of the school. Appreciative of having been selected to be a part of the Anti-Bully Club, these students too appreciate the faculty and chain of command that much more. This band of students serve as writers as they take on the responsibility of writing their own school newsletter/blog and publishing the anti-bully pages in the school's annual Year Book. The content of their writings being: the best ways to address school hallway bullying.
These students become the welcoming agent of a school's spirit as they are both the recipients and maintainers of the club. These students too are trained in booth Kenpo and CPR and thus are the recipients of the full measure of the Six Point Merit System. After obtaining the merit of Kenpo and CPR students gain more insight as they obtain additional merit status with the inclusion of learning Building skills, Sewing skills, Food Prep skills and skills at Making Friends.
With this Anti-Bully Club; Math, Science, Reading, and other subjects taught within a school's curriculum become more practical as students begin to understand the information received in class and how its usage translates into being successful in life. In this program children comprehend the process of adding value to themselves and the necessity of being an avid learner in life. Through these six animated poets are the six merits of this engaging Anti-Bully Club Program personified. These six caricatures were developed as a microcosm that reflects today's underserved youth and the families they come from. As each character represents a particular skill set and merit of, they simultaneously serve as a conduit to teach classroom work while being examples of a model student.